Monday, July 06, 2009




in th midst of training today, th blister at my thumb area broke and apparently, th skin hanging thr was kinda annoying tht stupid me decide to just pluck it out, since it was a nuisance. and now once tht area touches area, th pain comes in. ohman, can someone just tell me how dumb am i? ohsnos :(

anyways, mondays being mondays. and mondays being a day whereby i look forward to every week cos of salvo, pass-ed by kinda quicly. sat thru 2 lectures and 2 tutorials today, and went off to th meet th usual grp of ppl;
clement, kaleryn, vivian, edmund.
lunch-ed at biz. crapp-ed alot, laugh-ed alot, lame-ed alot. it was a tym full of laughters. and stupid clement keep laughing at me cos i'll laugh/giggle and give tht super happy look every single tym i eat fries dipp-ed in tomato sauce. HAHHA. plus we all found out th fact tht when clement is depress-ed he'll laugh/cry at th same tym! ohman! HAHAHAH (:

off to studio4 afterwards. help-ed in setting up drums and all. and training thereafter!! finally get to see weijin today! so happy!!! :DDDDDDDDDD cos he didn't come for CCA last week! ohmans. HAHA. today learnt up to 90% of th entire score alrdy. and seriously, during training. somethng funny happen. it's lyk th juniors were all trying out on our own. and thr's this "bollywood" scene thr and then. and marshall was th tree!!! (: shan't elaborate further but it left vivian, kal, yeesin, edmund and myself laughing as if thr's no tmr!! HAHA. andand just by looking at E and K during training still makes me laugh (:

dinner/supper today was kinda pathetic cos only kal, yeesin, ryan and me join-ed th rest of th seniors. th rest either went home or just went dinner themself. sad-ed. but it was really a fun tym at macs with them. as usual, chat-ed;crap-ed;laugh-ed!!! (:
seriously made my day. can't wait for th random plan-ed outing this coming sunday!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDD

nothing for me to random about at this moment. cos all i have in mind is how am i going to complete my emaths tutorial within th shortest tym possible. if tht's not done, i can kiss my comfortable bed goodbye alrdy.
crap! aren't my dark rings deep enough!
i need my 24hrs slp very soon! :X

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