Wednesday, September 30, 2009


through th quiet tyms these few days, what i realise and what i notice brought everythng to an end i suppose. th important-cy tht you've taken into account by just simple things that you always do is a clear message that was brought across; to me at least. but somehow or rather, what i felt was as if it's lyk a long long long long story that was left untold and left unknown by many. mayb you were just not sensitive enough to at least notice somethng wasn't right wit me, or thngs were just plain and simple as it is. sometyms i do wonder if things you told me were really things that you really wanted to tell me, but not just out of pure courtesy. i can't make myself believe or think of thngs that are right smack at th back of my mind. mayb afterall, i was just another friend, another friend that you wanted to get over with. i was an irritant. i got th message now i hope. and yes, i will shut up. and ofc, i think you wouldn't even notice and ofc i wouldn't dare to think you would even ask. yes sher, just shut th hell up!

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