Wednesday, August 05, 2009

  • Time check: 3 04 AM.
  • Day: Thursday.


marked; betrayed; chosen! ♥

reading, reading and more reading! this few days, have been spending my tym reading a while new lot of vampyre series, and got really sucked into th book. think about this way, i spend 30$ on 2books just within 3days. not as if it's a big woohaa about me spending on books and stuff. cos 30$ is actually not alot as compared to alot of other great books out there and stuff. but my point here is that; so much for th saving scheme tht i've been working on. so much for only spending 30$ a week from th allowance i get! HAHA! anyways, i bought th 2nd book on monday and th 3rd book today! WHOOOOO!! (:

so anyway, cca training today as usual. revised here and there on th actions that we learnt on monday. and learnt more today, or shld say, we completed learning all th actions that are required in B DAZHU!. quite an achievement, but well mistakes here and there for me during last drumming. but practice makes perfect! whats more th nxt training would only be lyk during th hols in september. going to really miss training and stuff man. both th company plus th th enjoyment/challenge in learning th different drumming stuff. ohwells, time flies and soon it'll be holidays alrdy. plus, August is ending super soon. making it sound a long way to go, september is next month. but technically, it's just lyk say 3 weeks to go! HAHA! (:

dinner after training as usual, but C and E didn't join us. table was kinda quiet without C there to lyk make noise and all. but there was laughter though. lyk laugh-ed quite abit over CW's chinese. bus-ed home with ryan after that and thanks D for th company over th phone while i was walking home. was kinda freaked out as i walked back home just now actually. thuogh th path was just beside th main road and stuff, but it was super quiet. no traffic and all. all i heard was crickets. plus as always, big shady trees at night do not help much in th situation; plus th fact tht there's a man sitting in th middle of no whr on th side benches. freak-ed me out totally! actually wanted to call E. but being as nice as always, decided not to disturb as E was project-ing. soyeah! thanks D! :D

overnight movie marathon over at my place somehow settled alrdy. can't wait. and ask me why i'm still online at this tym? rushing wrtoral as always. but that's only part of th reason. i think my bio-clock is screwed. lyk seriously. it's kinda rare finding my aslp at lyk before 12 every night. unless i'm seriously very tired! HAHAHA! and thankfully, E is giving me morning call tmr. okay, toodles! (:

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