Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Humans are so afraid to look into each other's eyes and say " I am unhappy, I am broken, I am hopeless and fallable" We have been accustomed to associate pain with weakness, sadness with coldness, loneliness with unworthiness, difference with diseases, as if these feelings are contagious, as if ambivalence is something not to be felt be feared.

Was hopping from different blog-sites, and came across something that caught my attention. It was these chunk of words but, i just read on and that whole paragraph sets me thinking, quite abit.

Human as such, I am one of them. Often i find myself wallowed in my own thoughts but never did I once ever shared something with anyone - not totally. Th mask that i put on every other day, seems as much as the necessity to put on clothes every other day. Without this mask, i would feel insecure , naked and maybe a little out of place. It is this mask that i put myself in everyday, and it is this mask that people see me on th outside.
To many, i might seem like a person full joy - a total extrovent.

I am not a box, there's more than 4 sides of me.

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