Tuesday, November 02, 2010


have been writing alot lately, but not on space but on literal book. kept aside a book on th desk, to pen down thoughts of which i thought it's worth remembering, or shld say - at least i've got a personal area to vent out to when i feel like. a book to write in, to me is so much easier than to share wit someone. cos on th other hand, he or she might be a good friend, but not someone that might have to th ultimate patience to hear all of my rants, or could totally take what i'm thinking.

life have been alright in school, at home and what not. i think i'm paying more attention in school this sem thus far, as compared to what i did last sem. though particular modules are just too boring for me to absorb when th lecture speaks in a very weird tone. th word "okay" sounds like "ogheeeyy". and it's suppose to be a technical subject, and she, makes it sounds like an english lesson. tell me about it; it just gets so annoying at times.

going to sentosa this coming friday wit salvopeeps, and i'm so looking forward to it! i want to get sunburnt, SO BADLY! can't wait can't wait can't wait! :> oh and i just downloaded ; i love you, philip morris into my phone, so tht i can watch it during long journey! YESYESYES! :>

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