Monday, July 26, 2010



today's th 13th day, tomorrow marks 2 weeks. and 2weeks later, it'll be a mth.

things are pretty much th same for th past 2weeks. just that hp seems a lil quieter than usual, cos i'm kinda lazy to reply txt. and somehow or rather, i would really prefer myself to alone ; away from th crowd or shld say away from ppl. mayb it's lyk what Q say " you're tired. tired from showing ppl how happy you are, when in fact you are not. you just want to be away, and be yourself." ohwells, things will change for th better i hope. i don't want to stay in th cacoon i am in for too long!

"it doesn't matter. It's ancient history. But I was awake last night too. I have the same kind of feeling; something's changing. It's funny how things seem different, suddenly. This morning, i found myself staring at the light coming on the kitchen window - it made a long rectangle on the floor, and the shadows of new leaves were moving in it, making all their patterns. Such simple thing, but it was beautiful."

two weeks later, i'll be flying off to korea wit mp alrdy! can't wait, can't wait, can't wait. finally, a break from everything to a foreign land, whereby i can totally be myself! :> but i want to get a few things before i fly! i want to get tht blue bagpack, a new note book, tht grey-ish jacket thngy, those 3 novels i browsed thru while waiting for mp th other day! ohmy, why payday seems so far away when it's only 4days away! :(

oh, and i painted my nails blue for this week! (Y)

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