Friday, March 19, 2010



how true;

i was out wit my bro and mum today, and we practically didn't do anything. cos we made a waste-ing trip down to paragon for something tht i shan't mention here. i don't want to be sue-ed by some company by just blogging it down, or some sort spoiling their company's reputation. ohwells.

wanted to shop today, meet up wit J or sth. but didn't in th end cos th wheather was being a bitch. i don't lyk to shop when th ground is wet, lyk literally. cos ppl walk in and out of th shopping mall wit their wet footware when it's raining heavily outside. went home to idle my way thru disappointment. thankfully for tht boy, if not i thought i would just stone and literally become a stone. HAHA.

nightfall came kinda quickly, and i settled in in my room, cuddling in lyk a caterpillar in a cacoon. it was a cold night. watch-ed "have your met the morgans?" till abt 12plus, waiting for tht boy to txt me. got abit worried, when msg-es could not be delivered and calls were not allowed. until abt 12plus1, a txt came in; i was relieved! then th night became lyk any other night, bid-ing of goodnights; and off to bed wit a smile on my face :>

HAHAH! it had been long since i blog-ed in such a way. seriously. but i lyk. anyway, i think you won't knw what i'm talking abt. okayy, toddles.

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